Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wow I didn´t bubble the $15fo

Ok yesterday I played 7 tournaments, not quite a full shedule but the day went so well I took the rest of the night off. First off I decided to take a shot at a bigger tournament on FTP, and as my good friend Frobenius was playing the $24+2 $7,000 Freezeout, I decided to join him. I started off pretty slowly and was flagging until around the hour mark when I doubled w AK vs 44, a little while later I pick up KK and standard raise with 2 callers, the flop came 843 with 2 hearts and I bet 3/4 of the pot. I got a min raise from one of the callers and was put in a tough spot, I thought maybe he had a set but more likely that he was making a move with 99-JJ or with that very draw heavy board maybe something like 56, or the flush draw. Anyway, I decided to go with it and here is the result: A bit of a bugger but maybe my raise preflop was a bit weak. Anyway I bust out of that 219/457 and Frobenius went on pretty deep before busting out on the bubble.

Next was the $5fo on FTP where i come 66/240 after this blind on blind hand: Well done me for trying to get tricky and playing it very badly.

65/258 in $6fo on VC, I was totally card dead and had no opportunities throughout the tourney.

Next another $5fo on FTP where I come 206/241 after this hand: I kind of figured he might have a big pair but wasn´t going to fold top pair top kicker at this stage of the tourney.

$2rb on FTP, A really bad rebuy period where I rebought 7 times and was in for $16 and still only managed to finish the rebuy period with my starting stack + add on and it didn´t get any better in the freezeout stage. My bust hand was after raising 99 from the cut off and the BB flat calls, flop K97 rainbow and I bet out a standard continuation bet of 1/3 to 1/2 the pot, BB calls and the turn is a Ten, we then get it all in and i´m thinking I´m looking good for a double when he flips TT and had turned a higher set, bit of a cooler and i finish 64/107.

Next up was the $15fo $3k gt on VC that I usually bubble but got 11th in yesterday. Wow, a result, for once I won a few races deep including a big one when i was pretty short and shoved 22 and got called by AQs and somehow managed to win. On the final table I got it all in a few times when dominating, once with AK vs AQ and once with AJ vs AT and they both held (WTF?) Finally we get 3 way and I´m short with about 40k and 4/8k blinds, the other 2 guys had 180k and 250k so I knew I had some work to do, so first hand I´m on the button and shove KTo get called by K8 and double, a few hands go by and I´m down to 65k again and sitting in the BB w A5o, SB raises and I figure my A is good and reshove knowing I have no fold equity but just hoping it will hold on its own. He calls with KJo and we see a ATx flop and x on the turn, I´m thinking I´m looking pretty good to double again and be in with a shot at winning with all 3 of us on roughly the same size stacks if I can just avoid a Q on the river, obviously not to be though as sure as anything he hits his 4 outer, Q on the river and I´m felted in 3rd (3/258) Still a pretty good result of $350 and this one result has turned my ROI in this tournament from - to +. Like I said yesterday, in the long run.....

Last tournament of the day was the $7rb $3kgt on VC, after an awful start I hit a rush in the middle of the tourney and find myself 3/30 and in a good spot. Unfortunately I lose a few hands and blind down but manage to hang on to the final table and eventually bust out 6/129 for a cash of $100, not bad.

All in all I made a nice profit of about $450 on VC and a loss of about $50 on FTP. I just seem to be stuck at the same amount on FTP at the moment fluctuating around $800, hopefully I can get a result on there soon and make it over the $1k mark. That´s it from me, pocket fives have just done a special about the top 10 players in Spain which is interesting (I´m 33rd atm) If anyone wants to check it out here´s the link: Until later thanks and good luck.

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