Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gotta Love $2 rebuys

Today I played 6 tournaments, I probably would have played more but I had to give the computer up at 22.30 so couldn´t play the value guarantee tournaments on VC. Still, the day started well with a 2nd in the $2rb on VC, I managed to get a nice stack very early on thanks to KK holding up, not once but twice! I managed to get a 15k stack by the end of the rebuy period and it was pretty plain sailing up to the bubble where I won a huge race w QQ vs AK. I kept busy all the way to the final table where I was a bit card dead for a while. No matter though because all of the donks went mental trying to take each other out. Finally got HU with a chip deficit of 3-1 so I knew I had work to do. To start off with the guy was really aggressive, then he calmed down a bit and we saw a few flops. My big double came when he completed the SB and I checked in BB w 67o, the flop came A62 and I figured if he had an A or pp higher than 6´s he would have raised preflop so i check raised him all in and he called w Q8 lol! Luckily my pair of 6´s held and I piled the pressure on to go 750k-250k up. then he started open shoving every hand so I knew I had to pick a hand and go with it before he had time to build up his stack again. Finally I picked up something worth calling with K7d, so I make the call and he flips Q9o, the flop brings no pair for either of us but it does bring 2 diamonds, the turn is x so now I´m thinking weeeeee only have to avoid 4 outs. Obviously a non-diamond Q hits on the river, urgh. So now we´re about even again and he gets really aggressive, I fold a few hands which are utter rags and then he raises again, I see K7 off and make the reraise, he shoves and I´m comitted so make the call. He turns over Q7o so I´m looking in pretty good shape to double up until he rivers a 7 high spade flush, aaaarrrgh! Oh well $250 for a few hours so cant complain.

2nd tournament of the day is the $5 fo on full Tilt, I manage to get a reasonable stack going but then run QQ into AA leaving me very short. Next hand I open shove K9o from the cut off and BB calls with 78 suited and obviously hits a 7, gg me. Managed to bubble the next 2 tourneys, the $6fo and $15fo on VC, I managed to shove A6 suited on the button in $15fo into SB with KK and BB with AA, lol!

Lastly I decide to play the 2 $2 tournaments on Full Tilt, one freezeout and one rebuy. I have a pretty good record in these so I was hoping I might get a result and push past the $1k mark for my bankroll on full tilt. Wow, all goes to plan, I get a big stack near the bubble in the freezeout and bully the table relentlessly, pushing my way from 20k odd to 50k by the time the bubble has broken. Plain sailing until I get HU where the final hand my opponent raises 3x and I repop to 22,500 w A6 suited, he makes the call and we see an A4x flop, i bet out 18k and he raises. I´m too commited do do anything else other than shove and he makes the call and turns over A4 :( oh well another $75 odd, pushing me over the $800 mark in my FT account. In the rebuy one I make 15th, shoving KTo on the button into AK, gg.

All in all not a bad day, $300 odd profit and I´m getting closer to my short term goals, which I will definately elaborate on tomorrow, I´m too tired now. Thanks and good luck.

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