Thursday, October 18, 2007


Ok I feel a lot less frustrated, finally I won another tournament. So I´ll run through the days play, I know I said I was going to take the night off but my friend who I was going to go out with cancelled and I took the plunge into tournament poker for the 4th night running. I definately am going to take tonight off whatever, playing for more than a couple of days/nights with out taking a whole day off is a big mistake I think, for me personally anyway.

Ok first off commiserations to Moor, who busted the GUKPT yesterday with a dirty KK vs QQ situation. Unlucky mate, I know how good KK is for you usually, lol.

My first tourney of the day was a 180 man sng on full tilt, with 19 left and 18 paid I was determined not to let my recent bubble run influence my decisions and so reshoved a guys button raise from the small blind with TT, only to have him call with AJs and subsequently I lose the race and go out bubble boy again. Fair play I think, right move by me and I got unlucky, no point getting bogged down by it or letting it annoy me.

Next up was the 1k vgt tourney on VC 4/136 The blinds in this are crazy and basically at the end it´s a crapshoot, I got it in with AK vs T7 soooooted lol and although I flopped an A on a A96 flop, the turn was an 8 completing his gutshot. I didn´t rebuy in this, just added on so it was $78 profit, not bad for a $1rb. The good thing about the value guarantee tourneys on Vc is that there are 3 a night and there is usually around 40-50% overlay, which really is good value even if the blind structure tends to make it a bit crap-shooty.

Yet another bubble in the 3kgt, coming 37/248 with 30 paid, I seem to consistently bubble this one, lol!

The $2.75k guaranteed, $10 rb was probably the most frustrating of the night for me, I managed to build a stack during and shortly after the rebuy period so only added on and was in for $20. 27 left I pick up KK and I´ve got a fairly healthy stack, from MP i raise 3x and get a call from the BB, he has about the same size stack as me and we see a Q73 rainbow flop, perfect, he open shoves the flop and I´m thinking he´s prob got AQ, possibly QJ or QK and maybe even a set but it´s a pretty easy call. He flips AQ and I shout 1 time! turn Q river Q, urgh! Another bubble 27 with 20 paid.

The 1.5k vgt, $3rb I came 5/77 and was 2/5 on the final table when I lose 2 races in a row, the first AQs vs 66 for most of my stack and then shortly after QJs vs 77 to bow out 5th. Oh well another $120.

My best result of the night was in the $1k gt, $5rb on VC, I managed to pick up a nice 10k stack in the rebuy period without rebuying, which was a nice start. I grind my way up to around 18k picking off a few small pots here and there. Then I´m in the big blind with T8d, it´s folded to the button who min raises, sb folds and I see a flop, why not, HU for a min raise when the guy has about a 12k stack, I might flop something nice, and I do, flop brings QTT and I check raise the guys flop bet pretty weakly trying to make it look like I have something weak like a small PP or a Q with a shit kicker. He calls and I bet out weakly on the turn which was an 8 now giving me a full house, he insta-shoves over the top for the rest of his stack and I snap call. We flip and he has JJ, and in my opinion played it very poorly lol. He doesn´t river his miracle J and I´m nicely up to 30k.

From here it was pretty plain sailing to the final table, which when we start I'm 8/10. I double up with AJ in BB after calling a min raise from a guy in MP and seeing an A high flop, the preflop raiser insta shoves and I call, he flips JJ so no 1 outer please. A couple go out and then we have a pot where a few players limp and I'm in the BB with KJo, I think about making a move but just elect to check and we see an AJx flop, its checked around and the turn comes K, I check planning to either check raise or just trap, the big stack at the table min bets and for some reason this worries me, 1 caller and I call too. River K, lovely, i bet out half the pot and he min raises, obviously i shove it in and he calls with QT, he'd turned the straight, what a nice river for me, glad I didn't get too aggressive on the turn. After that I'm chip daddy and quickly get to bullying the table, I build my stack up to a healthy 90k and then raise AQs from the cutoff, 1 caller and we see an AQT flop, i bet out half the pot and the caller insta shoves, I'm a bit worried about KJ but have to make the call, he flips QQ and I lose a huge pot and I'm back to last place. Somehow manage to grind back to chip leader. Having aces twice def helped lol, I run good 1 time. HU I have 250k and other guy has 150k it goes on for a while and the stacks stay pretty much the same. The last hand was an interesting one, I raise QJ sooted out of position 3x and he flat calls, we see a 8h 9h 2c flop and I fire 40k into a 60k pot, he insta shoves and I time out and make the call figuring either he's on a draw and I'm good as is or maybe he has a pair but with 2 overs, a gutshot and so much in the pot already I decide to go for it. If i lose I still have 100k and if I win then great. He flips Tc 7c and I hold, wow. I'd be really interested to hear any comments about this hand and I'll definately be asking Moorman about it next time I speak to him.

All in all a solid night, nice to get another win under my belt and nice to make $500+ profit. The only downside of the day was that England lost the football, TARDS. I'm off for the night, taking a well deserved break. Until tomorrow, thanks and good luck.

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