Saturday, October 27, 2007

A new month

Ok so I´m starting pretty much all over again with a few hundred extra dollars in my accounts, I´ve not been playing that much for reasons I won´t go into but I´ve found it hard to adjust back to smaller buy ins and have carried on playing as if I have the same amount of money in my accounts. This is something I need to sort out, as hard as it is moving back down for a while it´s something that I have to do. On Thursday I played 5 tourneys and here are the results:

$6fo on VC 218/228 LOL a good start, nice and deep, I button raise AKs 5x with 10/20 blinds, BB shoves and from what I know of this tourney its not a +EV move to fold here so I make the call and he has JJ and I don´t win the race.

$15fo on VC 115/245

$5fo on FTP 28/228 (27 paid) I shove TT otb and get called from the BB with K8 and obv he hits an K to felt me on the bubble.

$7rb on VC 24/156 (20 paid) 77 into AA, and another bubble.

$5rb on FTP 5/89 I had a great start in this thanks to KK and AA both holding up and plenty of tard action on my table, here is a great example of what I mean by that: No need mate, but thanks. Then I win this huge pot to become chip leader with 30k and 2nd place on about 20k: Things stay pretty much like this with me being chip leader of the tourney right until the final table, when I lose a big race and with 5 left I´m sitting in around third but still fancying my chances until this: Obviously I just can´t fold here and it´s a serious cooler 5 handed, note wtf was 99 doing? So I finish 5th for $110.

Friday I didn´t play much at all, only the $10fo on FTP, 331/400 getting tarded when getting it all in on the flop with top pair top kicker, by a guy who calls and then procedes to nail his gutshot, sigh.

I decided to try my luck at a couple of ten seat $5 stt´s on VC to try and make back my tourney buy ins for the day but came 6th in one losing with KK vs AK and JJ for a big treble and 4th in the other shoving ATo BoB and BB wakes up with AK, so no joy there. Finally I played the $7rb on VC coming 53/282, I was pretty short with about an M of 7-8, button raises and had been a lot so I knew he had a huge range. I decide to reshove A7o knowing that I have no fold equity and that he´s probably going to call but being pretty sure that I´m ahead and hoping my hand holds up, sure enough he calls with K8o and obviously hits a K to felt me.

That´s it for the last few days, I´m not sure how much I´m going to be playing today but one thing is sure, I really need to get back to a full schedule as quick as possible, build my accounts and start playing the $10rb´s and $15fo´s as soon as possible. Until tomorrow, thanks and good luck.

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