Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Back to the Grind

Ok sorry for not posting for a few days, I´ve been sorting some stuff out and haven´t really played over the last few days. I´ve been out a lot and Saturday was a heavy one, with the final of the rugby (good effort England) and also my South African friends last weekend in Barcelona. I can´t remember much after the rugby, those damn green and golds again, but I do remember going to a Mexican mate´s house party, which was crazy.

Saturday I played two stt´s, one 9 seat $10 and one 18 seat $10. I went out of the 9 seat one fifth after bluffing off all my chips with 67s, lol. However I managed to win the 18 seat one and made a nice profit for a small session. Sunday I played 2 tournaments during the day as I had plans for the evening. I played the $15fo on VC again even though I always bubble it and for the last month I have -100% ROI in that tourney. Still, I do think in the long run I can do well at it, all it takes is one result and I think over a 3-6 month period I can achieve a good positive ROI. We´ll see. It was a bigger field than usual with 301 runners, so 50 were paid but I still managed to bubble coming 57th. I was in SB with AJs, there were 2 limpers so I thought I was probably good and shoved it in with an M of around 8, the limper in last position almost timed out but made the call with 88 and I lose the race. The other tourney I played on Sunday was the $5fo on Tilt, just scraping the money coming 22/214 and going out with this hand: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1615575 which if I win puts me nicely in the top 5.

Monday I didn´t play but last night I went back to a full schedule, playing 12 tournaments:

$2fo on VC 209/369
$5fo on FTP 167/241 - http://www.pokerhand.org/?1619118
$6fo on VC 150/237
$15fo on VC 11/242 Finally I don´t bubble this, Short with M of 5 and shoved KTs, BB calls w Q3o and hits a Q and even though after the turn any K, A, 9 or club would save me I don´t hit on the river.
$5fo on VC 27/96 (20 paid)
$5fo on FTP 30/253 (30 paid)
$1rb (1kvgt) on VC 28/140 (20 paid)
$10fo on FTP 152/327 Lose race with AK vs 99
$5rb on VC 6/66 Final table but blinds were huge and I was forced to shove K5s from CO and SB woke up with JJ, but a $120 cash
$7rb on VC 83/234 I lose a huge pot for top 10 in chips with AQ vs A9 all in preflop.
$3rb on VC 22/85 (10 paid) Was getting short, shoved A3s from button BB wakes up with JJ.
$10fo on FTP 51/278 Lose big pot with 99 to 44 all in preflop.

So all in all for the day a small profit of about $100 on VC and a small loss of $20 on FTP. I´ll be playing again today and can hopefully pick up a result. Until later, thanks and good luck.

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