Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Breaking even

Sigh, the last few days have been very frustrating. I´ve played 24 tournaments, made 4 final tables, bubbled a few and scraped the money in a few. All in all I´ve broken even, even with the 4 final tables. Tournament poker can be like this sometimes, I think I´m going to take a break today and hopefully come back tomorrow strong. I´m not going to go into the details of all of the tourneys I played, just the ones where I made the final table and some of the other ones where there were interesting hands or situations.

First off, the $3rb, 1.5kgt on VC, 6/73. With $450 for the win and sitting second in chips with 6 left I felt pretty confident. I had played well and really got into the grind on the bubble and at the start of the final table, working my way from 8/10 to 2/6 until this hand: Chip leader shoves utg and I see AA, easy call? lol, i know how I´m running atm but yeh, I call he has JJ, one time please hold I cry! Obviously he spikes the J and i´m out, sigh, only guy at the tabe that can cover me hits his 20% and it´s gg me.

Next up, 3kgt on VC, 212 start and I come 21st with 20 paid. I shove A7 suited otb with a pretty low M, just hoping to get it through and steal the blinds. Standard though, BB wakes up with AA and its another bubble for me.

$3rb on VC, 107 start and I come 25th with 20 paid, losing a huge race with QQ vs AKo for top 5 in chips and a shot.

$6rb on VC, i scrape the money coming 17th out of 144 and pretty much just get my money back.

Full tilt $3rb, 83/597 with 90 paid, I just scrape the money and I´m short enough to jump at the chance of shoving when it´s folded to me in SB w QJo, unfortunately BB wakes up w AK and I don´t suck out.

$15fo on VC 39/280 with 30 paid. I reshove TT to a raise from MP and he insta calls w KQo and hits both K and Q lol.

Full Tilt $5rb, 8/70, short on final table and shove A4o from otb, BB insta calls w QJo the monster that it is and obviously I don´t win 60/40´s.

$3kgt on vc again, 21/153 with 20 paid, lol I manage to bubble this 2 nights in a row. 1 limper utg which I´m a bit worried about but still shove TT from cut off, not really wanting to see a flop at all cos I know I´m gonna lose, lol. UTG limper insta-calls w A4o, awesome call considering he knew the flop was gonna be 448, another bubble gg me.

Full tilt $2rb, 5/107 Good call 42, psychic.

Full tilt $5rb 41/332 After amassing a nice 18k stack in the rebuy period, trebling up in the first 5 mins thanks to this hand:, and building to around 30k I lose a 20k race and am back down to 20k when I have this hand: A tough spot and tough to lay down top set. WOW, I suck out for once and I´m sitting pretty in 6th with 100 odd left. Over the next hour or so I lose 3 races all to the same guy on the table JJ to AK, TT to KQo and A8s to 77 and eventually finish just in the money. Atm I race like a 3 legged horse at Epsom Derby day.

VC $5rb 28/109 with 20 paid, After seeing a bigstacks ep raise I shove AKo with plenty of fold equity, however, he insta calls me for over half of his stack w QTs, flop A high but 2 spades and (standard) he rivers it. Awesome play from him, from now on I know QT suited for the monster that it is.

Finally the $6rb on VC 8/149 Folded to SB who puts me all in, blinds 1/2k he has about 30k, me 20k, I have K8d and make the call, he flips 69d but its all over after he hits a 9 and yet another final table without a serious cash.

As you can probably tell I´m pretty frustrated, I can´t seem to win the races or the 60/40´s at the crucial time. I feel like I´m playing pretty well and consistently getting deep but just can´t catch the breaks at the moment. I guess that´s a part of tournament poker. Just got to keep on going and sooner or later things will happen. Maybe I´ll take a break from tourneys for a while and see how I fare on cash, I´m really not sure.

That´s enough from me anyway, I´m sure you´re probably bored shitless about hearing about my crummy luck. One final thing, Good Luck to Chris Moorman (Moorman1) as he starts his assault on London´s GUKPT today, live poker one time mate! If anyone wants to keep up to date with what´s going on there, check out

Back tomorrow, thanks and good luck.

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