Monday, October 29, 2007

Not much time for poker

Ok so I haven´t been playing much for personal reasons. I´m now looking for somewhere else to live in Barcelona and this is taking a lot of my time so at the moment I don´t have much time to play poker. I didn´t play at all on Saturday and I only played briefly yesterday. I decided to do a short session and played two $5 stt´s and a $5 20 man stt, coming 5th in one, getting it all in on a QJx 2 spade flop vs A8s and losing to a nailed river flush. The other one I came 3rd in and I won the 20 man sng for $50, so all in all a quick and small profit.

I´m not sure when I´ll be back to a full schedule, the sooner the better I guess, I don´t really need a bad start to the month, yet at the same time I need to find somewhere to live and have a whole host of other shit to sort out. I´ll post again as soon as possible, until then thanks and good luck.


ccfc1986 said...

If you can't play poker i'll make you millions by clicking your damn google links! Hope things sort themselves out and I see you back around when you are ready. Good luck with everything mate.

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