Monday, October 15, 2007

It´s a small world

Today I have an awful hangover. I went to watch the SA-Argentina match last night with some mates. It was a pretty good game and South Africa were just too good so it looks like a SA-England final. I can´t wait but I´m not too expectant since last time we played SA they whooped us. Adam, one of my SA mates had a bet with a kiwi that SA would get further than New Zealand, so collected his 50 euros last night and then spent it all on booze over the next hour or so, one reason why I am so hungover. God know hows many gold and green (don´t have a clue what they are) shooters we did and I lost count of how many pints of FranzFerdinand I had. Later I get chatting to a Mexican guy at the bar and low and behold he studied at Essex uni and was mates with a good friend of mine, Patrick. We get talking about uni days and what we are both doing here in Barcelona, head back to his and finish the night off drinking his single barrel Jack Daniels, another reason why I´m so hungover. I stumble off into the night without a clue where I´m going, fall asleep on the metro and end up taking 2 hours to get home instead of 20 minutes, well played me.

Yesterday I decide that because I only have 4 hours to play I will play a higher buy in tourney and really try to focus on it rather than multi tabling and playing 4-5 at once. So I decide to play the $30 fo on VC only to discover 10 mins in that its a $30 rebuy, well done me. For the first 59 mins I get absolutely nothing, raise a few times on the button and steal a few pots and generally manage to maintain my stack at what I started with. Then 1 min before the rebuy finishes I´m in small blind with KK, its folded to me and I think, typical. I standard 3x raise and to my surprise BB reraises, wahey I think and reraise, he shoves and I insta call only to see AA. I don´t bother rebuying as I can´t see the point in spending another $60 for a stack of less than average after the break.

The only other tourney I play is the $5 rebuy on Full Tilt, I don´t really do too much in the rebuy apart from win small pots with AA and KK, then after the rebuy period I double nicely with this hand: Nothing too notable happens until about 15 left where I lose a big race and I´m short stack with 9 paid. I shove 33 from EP and get a call from AK: standard! I hang in there for a bit and finally go out 12th after shoving this otb and failing to suck out even on this flop:

I am about to start for the evening and will be playing a full shedule tonight. Until tomorrow, thanks and good luck.

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