Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Good Day for English Sport

Well, the 3-0 result for England vs Estonia looks good to have set them up for the big match against Russia on Wednesday. I still can´t believe we beat France last night in the semi-final of the rugby world cup. What a match, utter tension throughout, I have just stumps where my fingers used to be from all the nailbiting. Well done England! It wasn´t pretty but it was effective, the determination, the grit and the heart of the England team pulled them through, wooohooo!! Reading some of the things people said last night after the match today I found this particular gem from the BBC sport correspondant in Paris:

"I could spout forth forever, like Sue Pollard on speed, on the staggering, gob-smacking events I’ve just witnessed......How did England win that? How has an England team that lay smashed in pieces four weeks ago made the World Cup Final? If this England team were a man out on the pull, they’d be Dean Gaffney bagging Cameron Diaz". Which I thought was a cracker.

I´ll be going out later to watch the other semi-final, South Africa vs Argentina and will definately be supporting Argentina, not only because I´ll be watching it with one of my South African mates but because they´ll be the underdog and I would much prefer England to have to play them than SA in the final. Come on Argentina!

OK so onto friday´s results:

FT $5fo MTT 250/260 AK vs JJ

VC $15fo MTT 189/257 Get it all in on flop w mid set vs flush draw, which he nails on river.

VC $8rb MTT feeder to 100k 39 seats 54/155 Short, reshove A4 off in BB to button raise, he has AK.

FT $5fo 127/249 Lose big pot w AA vs bottom pair+flush draw, then shove KJo otb into sb´s JJ

VC $6fo MTT 7/259 On final table, everyone has pretty low M´s, i raise AQs from cutoff 2.75x, SB shoves, I got 32k back but M of 4-5 if I fold, I call he has AK. Felt like a bit of a donkey after that call but I spoke to Moorman afterwards and he said he would have "snap called and high fived the monitor" lol, so I felt a bit better.

FT $2fo MTT 7/205 On final table and short, shove AJo UTG, big stack calls w 44 and I lose the race.

FT $2 rebuy MTT 20/136 (18 paid) Get it all in preflop w KK vs JJ for a 40k pot and top 3 in chip lead, flop 89T turn 7, gg me.

VC $1rb MTT 16/170 (20 paid) Shove A7 suited with M of 4 from cutoff, sb calls w TT.

VC $5rebuy MTT 10/60 (10 paid) Scrape final table and go out shortly after.

VC $3 rebuy MTT 11/91 (10 paid) I had made the mistake of blinding down too much in the $5rb and didnt want to do the same thing again. I shoved Q2s from the button hoping to get it through and steal the blinds but BB makes the call w KJo and I don´t suck out.

VC $7rebuy MTT 88/243 Utterly card dead throughout.

So all in all I make a small profit on VC and a small loss on Full tilt for the day and bubble a few more tourneys. I feel like I am playing pretty well but still need to work on my endgame. Too often I end up getting to the final table too short to really do much. That´s also one of the problems of tournaments on VC, by the time you get to the final table it´s pretty much a crapshoot. I much prefer Full Tilt´s tourney structure.

Saturday I don´t have time to play tourneys because of the sport, but I do manage to get in 2 hours of cash, multi tabling four 25/50c tables, I manage to finish the session a buy in up and I can´t remember actually hitting a big hand so I´ll take it.

I´ll post again later on tonight about today´s play, but I doubt I will be playing too much poker today. Thanks and good luck.

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