Thursday, October 11, 2007


Ok, I decided to post today before I played, that way I might not ramble on so much about the intricate details of hands, I think I´ll just post results and any specific hands of interest, especially those that occur on Full Tilt because I can post the hand using and if anyone does read this then they might be able to offer me some "constructive" criticism on how I played the hand or what I did wrong. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated, indeed anything that would help me to learn to be a better poker player or understand any aspect of the game better would be a great help.

So my short term goals at the moment are just to survive and build a bankroll both on Full Tilt and VC on the ipoker network. At the start of October my goal was just to make enough money to pay the bills and hopefully when I´ve cashed out at the end of the month, have more money in my bankroll than when I started. I know this is a very basic goal, lol! I have decided to give myself an allowance of 1000 Euros per month, which although it does not seem much is plenty as my total outgoings for the month are around 400 Euros and 600 Euros goes a long way in spain, for instance: you can travel from one side of the city of Barcelona to the other for 0.69c which is about 48p. Also, you can easily have a 3 course meal if you know the right places for 12-15 Euros and half a dozen bottles of beer from the shop come to the grand total of 2.10 Euros, lol.

Hopefully then at the end of each month I´ll have a few hundred dollars more in each of my bankrolls and can eventually move up the cash tables and play higher buy in tournaments. October has started off well, after the expense of moving, paying rent in two places at once for a couple of months and all the travelling I had to do my roll was looking in pretty awful shape. I had $500 in my VC acc and another $50 which I had deposited into Full Tilt. We´re only 10 days into October and already I have managed to build my VC account to $1400 and my FT acc to $800 so things are looking good so far. I have another few weeks before I have to cash out and hopefully if I can get a few more results I´ll be making good progress.

I recently invested in PokerTracker and I plan to try to get to grips with that and possibly pokerace hud in the near future but that´s not so important now as I´m mainly playing tournaments.

My long term goals are to be playing $20-$50 buy in tournaments by Christmas with a roll of about $2-3k on both sites. I really would like to get into the top 15/20 online ranked players on pocket5´s in Spain by Christmas. There aren´t a huge amount of players (I think 63) who are in the rankings at the moment and I have already managed to get to 38th with only a few small results. Breaking the top 15/20 will be much more difficult. A few online players you might recognise who are based in Spain are: The_D_RY, TheHero, rkruok and Zpaceman.

I won´t speculate too much on what will happen after Christmas, I think it´ll be best to see how the next few months go and take it from there. I will probably do a short post later about my results today so until then thanks and good luck.

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