Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Back soon!

Ok, I've finally moved and got the internet sorted out in my new place, weeeeeeeee. I'll be back on the poker in the next few days and will be back blogging again soon after. Is this the shortest blog post ever?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

No Poker

Ok for the last 2 days I haven´t played any poker. Just been looking for somewhere to live and as I have to be moved by December the 1st this has taken priority. Also I have been getting drunk :) for the last 2 nights. Been meeting lots of new people and having a good time. Alas my phone is broken though so it´s not all good, I have to go and buy a new one tomorrow and I also have 2 appointments to see rooms, the 1st one is at 10am! I was going to play tonight but whatever I do I mustn´t miss that appointment so maybe I will do a late schedule and stay up all night and then go and see it in the morning :) I´ll post again tomorrow so until then thanks and good luck.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Late night session

Ok I said I wasn´t going to play yesterday but ended up playing after all. At first it was a really bad idea, I really wasn´t in the mood and was playing pretty badly to start off with. Decided to play a 180 person tourney on Tilt with $8 buy in and went out 170th with AQs on a Q high flop after limper utg reraised my preflop raise and then open shoved the flop, it was so obvious he had KK or AA but I couldn´t lay my hand down, early exit there.

I also played the $15 fo on VC coming 89/279 after shoving with TT to a raise from middle position, 1 caller from the blinds with 45o (wtf!?! he was short but still) and the initial raiser calls with A7 suited, obviously the flop comes A44 so I don´t even win the side pot.

Next up, the $4.5k gt on Full Tilt, 100/419. I had a really bad rebuy session and was in for $30, losing one double buy in harshly and another with AQ on a QT2 flop against 22, obv not folding there in the rebuy. It could have been worse though I guess, if I hadn´t sucked out on this hand: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1699474 Obviously I don´t suck out fully though and he hits a 3 outer on the river for the split pot. Just before the end of the rebuy though I played ths hand and pulled off a nice river bluff, well I think it was I wasn´t beating much but was trying to represent the 8 http://www.pokerhand.org/?1699567 then immediately after the hand i type in chat "TwistedOne111: u were ahead, TwistedOne111: ul" lol just for antagonistic effect. So I was on about 6k after the rebuy period and slowly managed to grind up to 12k when I have this hand http://www.pokerhand.org/?1699810 Nothing I can do here, after I reraise the guys silly flop bet and the other guy comes over the top I´m commited to the hand. Then I managed a nice suckout here with A9 vs AK http://www.pokerhand.org/?1699906 and was grinding away again till this hand http://www.pokerhand.org/?1699932 I personally don´t like his call here, I mean what is he ahead of? A2, 22, K3s, Q3s but am I really going to reshove with those? So at best really he´s racing here for 75% of his stack, fair enough, he obviously felt like gambing.

Finally the $3.5k $7rb on VC, I had a really bad rebuy period and after the add on was in for $28 with only the minimum stack, managed to grind up to about 7k with 50 odd left and was resigned to a bubble finish when from the BB I flop the nut straight on a rainbow flop and manage to treble up to 21k against 2 limpers who each had a little something after the flop. When we got to the final table I was 7/10 but with 4 left was a short stack. I did manage to double with AJo vs A3s but 4 handed went on for ages with everyone being well cagey waiting for the shorty (me) to get felted. I didn´t manage to get an M of much more than 4/5 for the whole period even though I had AA twice and just open shoved preflop (anything else would have looked too suspicious) but got no action. I finally went out after shoving A8 blind on blind and big blind woke up with JJ, despite hitting an ace I still get felted after he catches a J. 4th was a respectable $263 so it wasn´t a complete waste of a night after all :) Result is posted at the top of the page.

Today I´m flat hunting again and tonight I definately won´t be playing, going to go out for a few beers and to see some mates. I should be back tomorrow though for a full schedule so until then thanks and good luck.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Flat Hunting

Hola, no poker today, I´m frantically looking for somewhere to live still. I was looking for a room in a shared apartment but now I´m looking for a whole apartment to share with some friends. Can´t wait to get all sorted and moved and get on with life.

Currently ranked 3rd in Spain and 1st in Barcelona for the month of November :)

Thanks and Good luck

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I´m back

Ok so sorry for not posting for so long but I´m back now. I won´t go into all the details of whats been going on for the last few weeks but I´m going to do a summary with a few highlights of the good and bad. For the first week of November I ran pretty sick (bad) getting outdrawn on what seemed like every flop, with only a few small cashes and lots of sick beats when I was deep. I only had a few decent cashes, coming 3/143 in the $3rb on VC for $122, and 3/122 in the $6rb on VC for $210. I was also watching a 1/2 cash game on VC one night and saw an absolute nutter at the table , he called a $200 all in on a KK8 flop with 45 off, obv the other guy had the King and when the nutter reloaded I decided to sit down. Over the next half an hour I played tight and waited for a few hands, I saw the nutter shove with rags on several flops, some of which he got called and lost and reloaded and some of which his opponent folded and he showed rags or bottom pair etc. So when I saw AK suited in the hole, I was hoping for some action, the nutter didn´t dissapoint me open shoving and with me last to act I felt it was a pretty safe call with AKs as I was well ahead of his range, unfortunately (or fortunately) at this point I was down to just over $140 from my initial buy in. So I made the call and guess what? This time the nutter had a hand, KK, my heart sinks but then the flop comes J98 all hearts giving me the nuts. Wow I think, I suck out one time, but it was not to be as the turn came 8 and then the river came 8 too giving him a full house. Bah! I leave the table in disgust and go to bed downhearted at the sight of the measley sum in my account. Not a good night. Nothing was happening for me on Full Tilt either, I´d finished the last month on around $750 from my initial investment of $50 and with a few small cashes I finished the week at the same ammount. I felt like I was going nowhere on FT and only down on VC. I didn´t adjust well after cashing out and still played the bigger buy in tourneys even though I didn´t really have the roll for them and payed the price. I finished the week even on FT and down $400 on VC, with only $600 left in my VC account I knew I had to drop back down and grind the smaller tourneys again, so I did.

Here are a few of the dirty hands:




Some of them aren´t that bad really and some of the calls from the other guys are fair enough because in some I am so short. Most of the really bad ones were on VC but I can´t post the hands for those because of their hand history facility. But needless to say you know you´re running bad when you flop top set and get it in against middle pair and the guy hits runner runner straight on you.

What did cheer me up was when I saw I wasn´t the only one getting frustrated, this German guy takes a tough beat and types in chat "KOHLEundREIBACH: TITAN POKER LECK MEIN SCHWANZ" which put a smile on my face.

Another hand of note was when I was watching the 24k gt´d on tilt and saw this on the final table 4 handed http://www.pokerhand.org/?1658164 I guess he deserves it for min raising AA, but it´s still a sick river.

The second week of November has been much better, on the 7th I came 6/256 in the $7rb on VC for $212 and managed a 6th out of 405 in the $4.5k gt on FT reshoving ATs from the BB into the habitual button raiser on the final table, obv this time he has AK but I´m not unhappy as I was well ahead of his range and take $245 for 6th. A few of the earier hands of note in the tourney are: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1680067 Slightly worried about QJ here. Also, I have a pretty sick suckout deep, but after raising really have to make the call: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1680403

On the same night I manage 4/107 in the $3rb on VC for $75, 14/542 in 6k gt on FT for $63 and 2/152 in the $6rb on VC for $450. heads up we´re 3 hands in and have the same amount of chips each, roughly 300k, when I raise ATo on the button 3x to 30k (5/10k blinds), he makes the call and we see an A95 rainbow flop. I bet out 30k and he min raises to 60k, I shove for 240k more and he almost times out and makes the call with 89 of clubs (1 club on the flop) Obviously the turn and river both come clubs for me to lose to runner runner flush, bah! Still a good night with an overall profit of about $800.

I take the weekend off after that and come back on Sunday for an almost full schedule (missed some of the early rebuys on VC) A small cash on VC in the $5rb and a few bubbles and harsh exits later and I´m left in just one tourney, the $6k gt on full tilt but I´m pretty deep, so I´m hoping for a score. Around 50 left and I have this rollercoaster of a hand, a whole range of emotions here, but obviously I go mental when the turn hits and then when the river hits but for two very different reasons: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1688951

With about 30 left I have this hand: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1688971 Needless to say I was pretty happy with the outcome, I felt I was ahead and me and this guy had been having a bit of a tussle, but don´t ask me how I hold and Moorman types on msn MBN (must be nice) LOL. After this there were a few notable hands but I was so busy concentrating on getting to the final table I didn´t have time to record them. One big one though was 4 handed on the final table, I have QQ and utg limps, he limped before when he was a short stack and I put him all in w QJ suited and he turns over AA and doubles through me. So I was a bit worried here but obviously wasn´t folding QQ four handed. This time we both have about 900k stacks (actually all 4 had about 900k stacks at this point) I make the call and he has AKo, my comp lags and I miss the whole hand but when it catches up I see that I have won the (huge) race and I´m sitting pretty in 1/3 with 1,800,000 chips and a 900k chip lead over the other two, Moorman types MBN in chat again, lol. We get HU and I have about a 500k chip lead, he limps with A8 (awful) and I check BB w 36o, flop comes 66x and I take a nice pot from him after he calls me to the river with A high. A few hands later he raises big and I reshove with TT and he folds and now I have a nice, slightly over 2-1 chip lead. I raise otb for several hands in a row and he folds, I can feel he´s getting frustrated and hope to get some action when I button raise w AJo, he shoves and I´m chanting "Please hold!" He turns over A4 clubs and the flop comes Jxx no clubs, turn comes 4 and I think I´ll be sick if he rivers another but it doesn´t come. Weeeeee, my biggest win on full Tilt so far, a nice $1241.05 and a healthy (for me) 80 plb points.

Yesterday back to a full schedule and I manage 9/98 in $3rb on VC for a small cash. I go deep in the $6k gt again but button shove w KTo and get called by sb w QQ and go out 56/582 for $22, lol. Prob a bit of a donkey move but....

I get donked out of my other tourneys and I´m only left in the 1k gt on VC and when we get to the final table i´m 2/10 so looking pretty good. The final table was nuts, people going mental, so I just sat back and watched them knock each other out. We get 3 way and the funniest thing happens, 1 guy has 200k, me and the other guy have about 60k each, he limps BoB i shove A9o, he calls w KK and hits a K, im down to 8k bb is 6k. Next hand im all in w JTo, 2 other guys are all in on a K high 2 heart flop 1 has AK other flush draw, i river the straight, flush draw guy gets knocked out and I come 2nd, so me and the guy are left i have 16k he has 350k LOL and im in bb for 6k. What a tard, all he had to do was wait 2 hands and I would have been out, instead he loses and I pick up $255 for 2nd instead of $135 for 3rd :)

So all in all it´s been a pretty sick (good) week for me, $2.25k up :) Also I picked up a good deal of PLB points and I´m now getting close to a top 30 spot in Spain.

Ok, this has been a monstrously huge blog post, I´ll be back bloggin every day again now so they should be short and plentiful, until next time thanks and good luck.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Not much time for poker

Ok so I haven´t been playing much for personal reasons. I´m now looking for somewhere else to live in Barcelona and this is taking a lot of my time so at the moment I don´t have much time to play poker. I didn´t play at all on Saturday and I only played briefly yesterday. I decided to do a short session and played two $5 stt´s and a $5 20 man stt, coming 5th in one, getting it all in on a QJx 2 spade flop vs A8s and losing to a nailed river flush. The other one I came 3rd in and I won the 20 man sng for $50, so all in all a quick and small profit.

I´m not sure when I´ll be back to a full schedule, the sooner the better I guess, I don´t really need a bad start to the month, yet at the same time I need to find somewhere to live and have a whole host of other shit to sort out. I´ll post again as soon as possible, until then thanks and good luck.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A new month

Ok so I´m starting pretty much all over again with a few hundred extra dollars in my accounts, I´ve not been playing that much for reasons I won´t go into but I´ve found it hard to adjust back to smaller buy ins and have carried on playing as if I have the same amount of money in my accounts. This is something I need to sort out, as hard as it is moving back down for a while it´s something that I have to do. On Thursday I played 5 tourneys and here are the results:

$6fo on VC 218/228 LOL a good start, nice and deep, I button raise AKs 5x with 10/20 blinds, BB shoves and from what I know of this tourney its not a +EV move to fold here so I make the call and he has JJ and I don´t win the race.

$15fo on VC 115/245

$5fo on FTP 28/228 (27 paid) I shove TT otb and get called from the BB with K8 and obv he hits an K to felt me on the bubble.

$7rb on VC 24/156 (20 paid) 77 into AA, and another bubble.

$5rb on FTP 5/89 I had a great start in this thanks to KK and AA both holding up and plenty of tard action on my table, here is a great example of what I mean by that: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1626832 No need mate, but thanks. Then I win this huge pot to become chip leader with 30k and 2nd place on about 20k: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1626866 Things stay pretty much like this with me being chip leader of the tourney right until the final table, when I lose a big race and with 5 left I´m sitting in around third but still fancying my chances until this: http://www.pokerhand.org/?1627342 Obviously I just can´t fold here and it´s a serious cooler 5 handed, note wtf was 99 doing? So I finish 5th for $110.

Friday I didn´t play much at all, only the $10fo on FTP, 331/400 getting tarded when getting it all in on the flop with top pair top kicker, by a guy who calls and then procedes to nail his gutshot, sigh.

I decided to try my luck at a couple of ten seat $5 stt´s on VC to try and make back my tourney buy ins for the day but came 6th in one losing with KK vs AK and JJ for a big treble and 4th in the other shoving ATo BoB and BB wakes up with AK, so no joy there. Finally I played the $7rb on VC coming 53/282, I was pretty short with about an M of 7-8, button raises and had been a lot so I knew he had a huge range. I decide to reshove A7o knowing that I have no fold equity and that he´s probably going to call but being pretty sure that I´m ahead and hoping my hand holds up, sure enough he calls with K8o and obviously hits a K to felt me.

That´s it for the last few days, I´m not sure how much I´m going to be playing today but one thing is sure, I really need to get back to a full schedule as quick as possible, build my accounts and start playing the $10rb´s and $15fo´s as soon as possible. Until tomorrow, thanks and good luck.