Thursday, November 15, 2007

Late night session

Ok I said I wasn´t going to play yesterday but ended up playing after all. At first it was a really bad idea, I really wasn´t in the mood and was playing pretty badly to start off with. Decided to play a 180 person tourney on Tilt with $8 buy in and went out 170th with AQs on a Q high flop after limper utg reraised my preflop raise and then open shoved the flop, it was so obvious he had KK or AA but I couldn´t lay my hand down, early exit there.

I also played the $15 fo on VC coming 89/279 after shoving with TT to a raise from middle position, 1 caller from the blinds with 45o (wtf!?! he was short but still) and the initial raiser calls with A7 suited, obviously the flop comes A44 so I don´t even win the side pot.

Next up, the $4.5k gt on Full Tilt, 100/419. I had a really bad rebuy session and was in for $30, losing one double buy in harshly and another with AQ on a QT2 flop against 22, obv not folding there in the rebuy. It could have been worse though I guess, if I hadn´t sucked out on this hand: Obviously I don´t suck out fully though and he hits a 3 outer on the river for the split pot. Just before the end of the rebuy though I played ths hand and pulled off a nice river bluff, well I think it was I wasn´t beating much but was trying to represent the 8 then immediately after the hand i type in chat "TwistedOne111: u were ahead, TwistedOne111: ul" lol just for antagonistic effect. So I was on about 6k after the rebuy period and slowly managed to grind up to 12k when I have this hand Nothing I can do here, after I reraise the guys silly flop bet and the other guy comes over the top I´m commited to the hand. Then I managed a nice suckout here with A9 vs AK and was grinding away again till this hand I personally don´t like his call here, I mean what is he ahead of? A2, 22, K3s, Q3s but am I really going to reshove with those? So at best really he´s racing here for 75% of his stack, fair enough, he obviously felt like gambing.

Finally the $3.5k $7rb on VC, I had a really bad rebuy period and after the add on was in for $28 with only the minimum stack, managed to grind up to about 7k with 50 odd left and was resigned to a bubble finish when from the BB I flop the nut straight on a rainbow flop and manage to treble up to 21k against 2 limpers who each had a little something after the flop. When we got to the final table I was 7/10 but with 4 left was a short stack. I did manage to double with AJo vs A3s but 4 handed went on for ages with everyone being well cagey waiting for the shorty (me) to get felted. I didn´t manage to get an M of much more than 4/5 for the whole period even though I had AA twice and just open shoved preflop (anything else would have looked too suspicious) but got no action. I finally went out after shoving A8 blind on blind and big blind woke up with JJ, despite hitting an ace I still get felted after he catches a J. 4th was a respectable $263 so it wasn´t a complete waste of a night after all :) Result is posted at the top of the page.

Today I´m flat hunting again and tonight I definately won´t be playing, going to go out for a few beers and to see some mates. I should be back tomorrow though for a full schedule so until then thanks and good luck.

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